
Sempervivum rosettes in a terracotta pot,  spring,  Pas de Calais,  France
Titel Sempervivum rosettes in a terracotta pot, spring, Pas de Calais, France
Caption Pot plant, Spring, Flowerpot, Pas-de-Calais 62, Decorative plant or horticultural, Sempervivum (Sempervivum sp), Sempervivum, Rosette, May, Nobody, Garden decoration, Hortus, Temperate season, Seasons, Atmosphere, Garden Tool, Gardening, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France, European Union, Europe, Continent, Species particularity, Species, Sempervivum, Crassulaceae family, Rosales order, Dicotyledon, Flowering plant, Spermatophyte, Flora, Crassulaceae, Rosales, Dicotyledoneae, Angiospermae, Spermatophyta / Phanerogamae, Tracheobionta, Embryophyta, Chlorobionta, Archaeplastida, Eukaryota, Morphology (botany), Morphology, Organism, Month of year, Individual, Hotpot, Pot plants, Hotpots, Pot flower, Pot flowers, Potted Plant, Flowerpots, Decorative plant, Decorative plants, Ornamental plant, Ornamental plants, Decoration plants, Decoration plant, Decorative plants or horticultural, Sempervivums (Sempervivum sp), Houseleek (Sempervivum sp), Houseleeks (Sempervivum sp), Rosettes, With nobody, Sempervivum s, 9933115
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2016
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Bildname 2417368
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