
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Head of a bee with its proboscis,  its tongue taken with a photographic technique of focus stacking. We can see,  from top to bottom: an ocellus,  the compound eyes,  the antennas,  the mandibles and the tongue. The ocelli are set in a triangle on the top of the head of a worker bee. The worker bee's compound eyes have 5000 facets. The antennas are composed of a flagellum (divided into 10 segments in the worker bee),  a pedicle and a scape. The mandibles permit the bees to knead and shape the wax and propolis,  fight,  clean the hive and care for their queen or their brood. The tongue,  called the proboscis,  is a complex organ made up of many parts.
Titel Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Head of a bee with its proboscis, its tongue taken with a photographic technique of focus stacking. We can see, from top to bottom: an ocellus, the compound eyes, the antennas, the mandibles and the tongue. The ocelli are set in a triangle on the top of the head of a worker bee. The worker bee's compound eyes have 5000 facets. The antennas are composed of a flagellum (divided into 10 segments in the worker bee), a pedicle and a scape. The mandibles permit the bees to knead and shape the wax and propolis, fight, clean the hive and care for their queen or their brood. The tongue, called the proboscis, is a complex organ made up of many parts.
Caption Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Head of a bee with its proboscis, its tongue taken with a photographic technique of focus stacking. We can see, from top to bottom: an ocellus, the compound eyes, the antennas, the mandibles and the tongue. The ocelli are set in a triangle on the top of the head of a worker bee. The worker bee's compound eyes have 5000 facets. The antennas are composed of a flagellum (divided into 10 segments in the worker bee), a pedicle and a scape. The mandibles permit the bees to knead and shape the wax and propolis, fight, clean the hive and care for their queen or their brood. The tongue, called the proboscis, is a complex organ made up of many parts., 9765781
Aufnahmedatum 03.11.2016
Bildnachweis © Biosphoto / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 2103549
Bildgröße Mind. A5 bei 300dpi
Model Release Keine Angabe
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Bildanbieter © Biosphoto/FOTOFINDER.COM - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplar an FOTOFINDER.COM @ Ali Paczensky e.K., Buelowstr. 27, 10783 Berlin. Hinweis: NO MODEL-RELEASE! Bei werblicher Nutzung vorher Kontakt aufnehmen via E-Mail: info@fotofinder.com, Telefon: +49 (0)30 9150 0486. Ueberweisung des Honorars erfolgt an: FOTOFINDER.COM e.K., Deutsche Bank IBAN: DE64 1007 0024 0461 7700 00, BIC: DEUTDEDBBER.
Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 9765781 / A0BFD03EB5AD6A0F

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