
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Assemblage of images created with the montage technique of focus stacking to have an optimal depth of field. We can see the bee's anatomy. From left to right: its tongue called proboscis that measures between 5.3 and 7.2 mm,  depending on the breed,  and which comprises several parts; the furry antennas,  which are olfactory perception organs; the eyes with 5000 facets; the thorax,  which is the connecting point for the locomotive organs and contains the wing muscles; the back legs that hold the comb for the antennas (tibio-tarsal cleaner); two pairs of wings with the large wing lashed to the small wing by 20 hooks situated on the latter to form a single surface; the middle legs with suction pads and claws at their tips; the abdomen made up of 7 segments that hold the majority of the digestive,  respiratory and circulatory systems' organs; the hind legs that hold the tools for gathering the pollen and the propolis: comb,  rake and basket; the spur.
Titel Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Assemblage of images created with the montage technique of focus stacking to have an optimal depth of field. We can see the bee's anatomy. From left to right: its tongue called proboscis that measures between 5.3 and 7.2 mm, depending on the breed, and which comprises several parts; the furry antennas, which are olfactory perception organs; the eyes with 5000 facets; the thorax, which is the connecting point for the locomotive organs and contains the wing muscles; the back legs that hold the comb for the antennas (tibio-tarsal cleaner); two pairs of wings with the large wing lashed to the small wing by 20 hooks situated on the latter to form a single surface; the middle legs with suction pads and claws at their tips; the abdomen made up of 7 segments that hold the majority of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems' organs; the hind legs that hold the tools for gathering the pollen and the propolis: comb, rake and basket; the spur.
Caption Honey bee (Apis mellifera) - Assemblage of images created with the montage technique of focus stacking to have an optimal depth of field. We can see the bee's anatomy. From left to right: its tongue called proboscis that measures between 5.3 and 7.2 mm, depending on the breed, and which comprises several parts; the furry antennas, which are olfactory perception organs; the eyes with 5000 facets; the thorax, which is the connecting point for the locomotive organs and contains the wing muscles; the back legs that hold the comb for the antennas (tibio-tarsal cleaner); two pairs of wings with the large wing lashed to the small wing by 20 hooks situated on the latter to form a single surface; the middle legs with suction pads and claws at their tips; the abdomen made up of 7 segments that hold the majority of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems' organs; the hind legs that hold the tools for gathering the pollen and the propolis: comb, rake and basket; the spur., 9721291
Aufnahmedatum 28.09.2016
Bildnachweis © Biosphoto / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 2103596
Bildgröße Mind. A5 bei 300dpi
Model Release Keine Angabe
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Bildanbieter © Biosphoto/FOTOFINDER.COM - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplar an FOTOFINDER.COM @ Ali Paczensky e.K., Buelowstr. 27, 10783 Berlin. Hinweis: NO MODEL-RELEASE! Bei werblicher Nutzung vorher Kontakt aufnehmen via E-Mail: info@fotofinder.com, Telefon: +49 (0)30 9150 0486. Ueberweisung des Honorars erfolgt an: FOTOFINDER.COM e.K., Deutsche Bank IBAN: DE64 1007 0024 0461 7700 00, BIC: DEUTDEDBBER.
Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 9721291 / A943CD6304658D47

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