
Samuel Franklin Cody,  British aviator,  1912.
Titel Samuel Franklin Cody, British aviator, 1912.
Caption Signed photograph of Cody, dated 18 December 1912, with inset of a plane. American-born Cody (1862-1913) obtained British nationality in 1896. Cody pioneered the manlifting kite as a means of military observation - the kite holds the observer while the cable is supported by several smaller kites. On 16 October 1908 Cody made the first powered flight in Britain in his British Army Aeroplane No. 1 using a 50-hp Antoinette engine. He also took part in the planning and construction of the first British dirigible airship. He was killed in a flying accident the year after this photograph was taken., 7014470
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
Bildnachweis Science & Society / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 10195100
Bildgröße 2963px x 3504px, 25,10 cm x 29,70 cm (300 dpi)
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