
Rocking-horse workshop,  Liverpool,  October 1969.
Titel Rocking-horse workshop, Liverpool, October 1969.
Caption The Collinson family in their workshop in Smithdown Road: (left to right), Ivy and Mrs Collinson Senior sanding a horse, Jervis (34), carrying a horse on his shoulder, Leonard shaping a horse, Margaret Metcalfe finishing off a horse in the foreground, and Jervis Collinson Senior painting. ‘The family have practised their craft for nearly 150 years. The rocking-horses are beautifully carved by hand from yellow pine to a formula which has scarcely changed since great grandfather William Collinson, who founded the firm in 1836, saw Queen Victoria’s carriage being pulled through the streets of Liverpool by a pair of dapple greys.’, 6977862
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
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