
Antoine Claudet,  French photography pioneer,  1841.
Titel Antoine Claudet, French photography pioneer, 1841.
Caption Self portrait daguerreotype by Antoine Francois Jean Claudet (1797-1867). After learning about the daguerreotype process from Louis Daguerre (1787-1851) in Paris, Claudet moved to London and set up a daguerreotype portrait studio in 1841, directly competing with Richard Beard (c 1801-c 1888). After much rivalry, Claudet became the more successful of the two and was appointed the official photographer to Queen Victoria. He invented the red darkroom light, discovered a way to reduce exposure time for daguerreotypes, and was the first to use painted backgrounds and props in photographs., 6974374
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
Bildnachweis Science & Society / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 10300913
Bildgröße 2637px x 3504px, 22,30 cm x 29,70 cm (300 dpi)
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