
‘Map of the Menai Strait at and adjacent to the Suspension Bridge’,  1828.
Titel ‘Map of the Menai Strait at and adjacent to the Suspension Bridge’, 1828.
Caption Map showing the suspension bridge over the Menai Strait between Carnarvon on the right (now Gwynedd) and the Isle of Anglesey (left). The bridge connecting the Welsh mainland with Anglesey was designed by Thomas Telford (1757-1834) and was built between 1818 and 1826, replacing the ferry. It opened on 30 January 1826. Also shown is a map of the island of Anglesey indicating the New Mail Road from Holyhead to London which carried the post between London and Ireland. Illustration from ‘An historical and descriptive account of the suspension bridge constructed over the Menai Strait ”¦’ by W A Provis (1792-1870), published in 1828., 6964544
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
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