
Referendum Cyprus
Titel Referendum Cyprus
Caption OXI means NO. Demonstration in the Greek Cypriot part of Nicosia against the plan of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan for the solution of the Cyprus conflict. On April 24th 2004, the Cypriots voted by referendum on the reunification of their divided homeland. 75.83% of the Greek Cypriots voted against it, 64.91% of the Turkish Cypriots in favour., 8313326
Aufnahmedatum 22.04.2004
Bildnachweis CIPS/Marcos Gittis
Bildname M00000557
Bildgröße 3543px x 2324px, 30,00 cm x 19,70 cm (300 dpi)
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Ort Nikosia
Land CYP, ZYPERN CYP, Cyprus
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