
Elefant sitzt neben Maedchen
Titel Elefant sitzt neben Maedchen
Caption , 433118
Besondere Hinweise model released Modellrechte geklaert
Aufnahmedatum 08.12.2012
Bildnachweis John Drysdale / voller Ernst / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 18874491
Bildgröße 4622px x 5906px, 39,10 cm x 50,00 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Not specified
Property Release Not specified

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Dressur , Elefant , Elefanten , Farbfotografie , Freunde , Freundinnen , Freundschaft , Groessenverhaeltnis , Hochformat , Hocker , Kind , Kinder , Komik , Komischer , Kontrast , Kuriositaet , Liebe , Maedchen , Menschen , People , Proportion , Ruessel , Saeugetier , Saeugetiere , Symbolfoto , Tier , Tiere , Tiere und Menschen , Vertrauen , Wiese , Zaertlichkeit , affection , affectionate , affectionateness , animal , animals , animals and humans , animals and people , big , break in , carefree , careful , carefully , caress , child , children , color photograph , color photography , colour photograph , colour photography , comic , comical , confidence , cute , debonair , dressieren , eigenartig , elephant , elephants , embrace , embracing , faith , fond , fondness , friedlich , friendly , friends , friendship , from behind , funny , girl , girls , goldig , gross , grosser , guarded , hug , hugging , humorous , humourous , iconic image , iconic images , iconic photograph , iconic photographs , kids , klein , kleiner , komisch , komische , kurios , large , lieben , liebevoll , liebt , little , love , loving , lustig , mammal , mammals , meadow , meadows , niedlich , odd , ow_vollerernst , pair , peaceful , peculiar , photographic icons , pmscinternational , putzig , quiet , ratio , rear view , reliance , seltsam , seltsamer , serene , sit , sitting , sitzen , small , sorgenfrei , sorgfaeltig , sorglos , sorgsam , stool , stools , strange , suess , sweet , symbolic image , symbolic images , symbolisch , tall , tender , tenderness , train , trunk , trunks , trust , trusting , two , twosome , umarmen , unworried , vertical , vertical format , vertrauend , vertrauensvoll , von hinten , vorsichtig , weird , witzig , zaertlich , zutraulich , zwei