
Shuttle astronaut with Solar Maximum Satellite,  1984.
Titel Shuttle astronaut with Solar Maximum Satellite, 1984.
Caption The astronaut is pictured together with the satellite in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle Challenger. During Shuttle mission 41-C, launched on 6th April 1984, astronauts George Nelson and James van Hoften captured the Solar Maximum Satellite that had failed in orbit four years before, taking it back to Challenger where they repaired and released it again. This was the first repair of a satellite in space., 9647365
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
Bildnachweis Science & Society / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 10302126
Bildgröße 3504px x 3393px, 29,70 cm x 28,70 cm (300 dpi)
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