
A skin disease,  1901-1902.
Titel A skin disease, 1901-1902.
Caption From a collection of 15 watercolour illustrations of pox lesions in human skin, consisting mostly of smallpox with the exception of one chickenpox. They were used for ward teaching by the University of Glasgow to represent various stages of disease in patients. Annotated with the patients name (Mrs McCann or McBride), case, part of body effected (middle inner right forearm) date and sometimes the ward (3). Dimensions: 90 mm x 65 mm., 6982355
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
Bildnachweis Science & Society / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 10413024
Bildgröße 3159px x 2080px, 26,70 cm x 17,60 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Kein Model Release vorhanden
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Ort Glasgow
Land Scotland
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Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 6982355 / 0BC6186C26B5CE48