
Richard Arkwright,  British inventor of textile machinery,  1790.
Titel Richard Arkwright, British inventor of textile machinery, 1790.
Caption Framed oil painting on canvas by Joseph Wright of Derby, commissioned by Jedediah Strutt, friend and patron of Arkwright. Arkwright (1732-1792) was the inventor of the first practical means of mechanical spinning using rollers. The invention of the spinning machine revolutionised the production of yarn and led to rapid mechanisation throughout Britain. Although Arkwright's first installation was worked by a horse, water wheels were generally used, so the spinning machines came to be called water frames. Dimensions: 805mm x 935mm., 6977605
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
Bildnachweis Science & Society / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 10315581
Bildgröße 3023px x 3504px, 25,60 cm x 29,70 cm (300 dpi)
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