
Plaice,  Black Sea,  1837.
Titel Plaice, Black Sea, 1837.
Caption Engraved plate by Bocourt after Oudart from the atlas section of ‘Voyage dans la Russie meridionale et la Crimee, par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie’ (‘Voyage to Southern Russia, via Hungary, Walachia and Moldavia’) by Prince Anatolii Demidov (1812-1870), published in 1848. The book is an account of a French scientific expedition in 1837 to record the geology, history, archaeology, flora and fauna, as well as the customs and habits of the people of the area. The expedition was made up of artists, scientists and archaeologists. Demidov dedicated his book to Czar Nicholas I (1796-1855), but the Czar was annoyed that no Russians had been included in the expedition., 6953861
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2009
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