
Evacuation Center For Super Taiphoon Man-yi
Titel Evacuation Center For Super Taiphoon Man-yi
Caption A total of 118 families from Barangay Bagong Silangan, Quezon City, Philippines, seek shelter at the Bagong Silangan Evacuation Center on November 17, 2024, due to the expected flooding in low-lying areas cause by Super Typhoon Man-yi, local name Pepito, near the Marikina River., 12503398
Aufnahmedatum 17.11.2024
Bildnachweis Deo Montesclaros / Alto Press
Bildname altoDeoTyp17112024-5
Bildgröße 4896px x 3264px, 41,50 cm x 27,60 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Keine Angabe
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Ort Quezon City
Land Philippines
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