
Greece: Farmers close E65 road and drive their tractors into Karditsa city in protest
Titel Greece: Farmers close E65 road and drive their tractors into Karditsa city in protest
Caption People participate in a protest on E65 road on January 31, 2024 in Karditsa, Greece. Greek farmers close E65 road because they are protesting the high cost of goods and the lack of support from the government. Later in escalation they drive their tracktors into Karditsa city. (Photo by Kostas Galanis/Alto Press), 12499130
Aufnahmedatum 31.01.2024
Bildnachweis Konstantinos Galanis / Alto Press
Bildname altoKGaArch14092024-11
Bildgröße 6000px x 4000px, 50,80 cm x 33,90 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Keine Angabe
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Ort Karditsa
Land Greece
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Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 12499130