
Cement Sack Washing: Risky Work and Bad Impact on Nature
Titel Cement Sack Washing: Risky Work and Bad Impact on Nature
Caption 10 December 2023 Sylhet, Bangladesh: Workers are risking their lives to wash cement bags in the water of Surma River in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Moreover, as it is harming their long-term health, plastic dust is filling the river water and river bed which is poisoning the river water and damaging the environment by disrupting the natural breeding of fish. Exposure to high levels of cement dust irritates their nose and throat where as they are not aware of their health issue due to a lack of health knowledge , also longer term exposure of Cement dust could lead to occupational asthma. Mortar can also contain respirable crystalline silica ( RCS ). RCS is also found in concrete and can lead to the development of silicosis or scarring of the lungs, which results in a loss of lung function and severe shortness of breath., 12388816
Aufnahmedatum 10.12.2023
Bildnachweis Md Rafayat Haque Khan/Eyepix Group/ Alto Press
Bildname altoEyeRHK-6533
Bildgröße 4256px x 2832px, 36,00 cm x 24,00 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Keine Angabe
Property Release Nicht spezifiziert

Ort Sylhet
Land Bangladesh
Bildanbieter © Alto Press - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar + USt., Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplar an Alexander Pohl, Rheinstraße 18, 80803 München. Bei werblicher Nutzung vorher Kontakt aufnehmen via E-Mail: alexander@altopress.de, Telefon: 0173 5724540. Bankverbindung: Alexander Pohl, BNP Paribas Deutschland, IBAN: DE38 7603 0080 0890 5639 84, BIC: CSDBDE71XXX.
Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 12388816