
Portugal. Lisbon. Almada. Aerial view of Christ the King on the other side of the Tagus and the 25th of April Bridge. It is a national sanctuary of the Catholic Church and a religious monument representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The monument is 110m high and remains one of the tallest buildings in the country
Titel Portugal. Lisbon. Almada. Aerial view of Christ the King on the other side of the Tagus and the 25th of April Bridge. It is a national sanctuary of the Catholic Church and a religious monument representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The monument is 110m high and remains one of the tallest buildings in the country
Caption Portugal. Lisbon. Almada. Aerial view of Christ the King on the other side of the Tagus and the 25th of April Bridge. It is a national sanctuary of the Catholic Church and a religious monument representing the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The monument is 110m high and remains one of the tallest buildings in the country, 12130832
Aufnahmedatum 07.02.2023
Bildname ONLY_0475221
Bildgröße 5257px x 3502px, 44,50 cm x 29,70 cm (300 dpi)
Model Release Keine Angabe
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