
Rosy wolfsnail,  Euglandina rosea. It's a predatory air-breathing land snail,  a carnivorous terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk. Is a fast and voracious predator,  hunting and eating other snails and slugs. Was introduced into Hawaii in 1955 as a biological control for the invasive African land snail,  Achatina fulica. This snail is responsible for the extinction of an estimated eight native snail species in Hawaii. This has caused the snail to be added to the IUCN?s top 100 most invasive species. USA
Titel Rosy wolfsnail, Euglandina rosea. It's a predatory air-breathing land snail, a carnivorous terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk. Is a fast and voracious predator, hunting and eating other snails and slugs. Was introduced into Hawaii in 1955 as a biological control for the invasive African land snail, Achatina fulica. This snail is responsible for the extinction of an estimated eight native snail species in Hawaii. This has caused the snail to be added to the IUCN?s top 100 most invasive species. USA
Caption Rosy wolfsnail, Euglandina rosea. It's a predatory air-breathing land snail, a carnivorous terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk. Is a fast and voracious predator, hunting and eating other snails and slugs. Was introduced into Hawaii in 1955 as a biological control for the invasive African land snail, Achatina fulica. This snail is responsible for the extinction of an estimated eight native snail species in Hawaii. This has caused the snail to be added to the IUCN?s top 100 most invasive species. USA, 10063158
Besondere Hinweise Model Release: No, Property Release: No
Aufnahmedatum 01.01.2016
Bildnachweis © Biosphoto / FOTOFINDER.COM
Bildname 2409059
Bildgröße Mind. A5 bei 300dpi
Model Release Kein Model Release vorhanden
Property Release Nicht vorhanden

Bildanbieter © Biosphoto/FOTOFINDER.COM - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplar an FOTOFINDER.COM @ Ali Paczensky e.K., Buelowstr. 27, 10783 Berlin. Hinweis: NO MODEL-RELEASE! Bei werblicher Nutzung vorher Kontakt aufnehmen via E-Mail: info@fotofinder.com, Telefon: +49 (0)30 9150 0486. Ueberweisung des Honorars erfolgt an: FOTOFINDER.COM e.K., Deutsche Bank IBAN: DE64 1007 0024 0461 7700 00, BIC: DEUTDEDBBER.
Fotofinder.com Bildnummer 10063158 / 30087CD2CD9F40E1

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